Saturday, September 11, 2010
janah's raye story
finish my raye at 2nd day.. my raye was short like any raye in my life... kalo raye 4 hari tuh, mmg plng lame lah! of coz duit raye kene cter kan? raye nih, ok lah... mcm taun lpas.. dapat rm300 lebih... SUME siblings(siblings bnyk) and abah kasi... x de nyer orang lain nak kasi... mostly tanye "keje kat mane?","blaja u mane?" kadang2.."dah kawin ke?" atau..."ni yang plng kecik?! ingat yang tadi(kakak aq)..."hurm.. sabo je ler... and aq dah tgk cter piranha~~ mcm jaws.. suspen je lebih.. cume piranha nih kureng lagi la dari jaws. pas2, nasib aq mmg x menyebelahi!! aq nak beli mp3, tapi asyik x jadi!! kedai tutup(raye la katekan..) or salesgirl/man pi break.. huhuhhu.. kalo tgh loaded, bende yang nak di beli, mesti ade bende yang halang! kalo poket tgh kosong.. sume mengizinkan, kadang2 sale pulak tuh! haish.. dugaan.. sabo je le.. ~ jay~
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Messenger
Yaaay!Time yg kite tunggu dah sampai!Dah raye!jeng jeng!*Took out a big box filled with kuih raye*please take 1!ONE ONLY please.Ade tujuannye kenape diorg letak 'selamat' kalau nak wish time perayaan nih...maksud nyew,ko SELAMAT time hari raye.Tak hilang 1 jari ke bute mate sebelah..So jgn main mercun and meriam buluh!*silently trying to hide the 3 bag plastics full of mercun and 2 custom made meriam buluh that she ordered from her cousins*what?that?oh.that was for....merdeka celebration!hehehe...(-"-)
Anyways,aku baru dpt berita.uhmmm...berite nyer tak sedey,dan juge tak gembiro!Ia lebih merisaukan aku lak kat sorang mamat bendul ngan sorang minah slow nih..NO.They didn't do anything...they are just..standing there.Not doing anything.Questioning who should make the first move when...everybody knows how they feel towards each other.They thought everything will be the same if they just shut the **** up about it.Its obviously wrong.
It just irritates me looking at people who are dumb enough not to realize their true feelings.
Everything is on the move.So you better move too.The mamat and minah now acts awkwardly towards each other.My best advice for them is run for it.Chase it.Grab it.Cherish it.Be as greedy as you want but please watch out...Nothing is actually wrong about it.What matters now is 'NOW'.And if either of them don't make a move right now,they're gonna lose something precious.
(KEPADE SESAPER YG TERASE TUH....hehehe..saper makan cili,dier la yg terase pedasnyew...
aku dah ade list dah mamat-mamat and minah-minah yg bendol bin lurus nih..but i'm not telling~ *wink!*)
Kepade Dayah:
ko roll dadu jelah pasal asrama shit klau ko g asrama....ko tak dpt la jumpe aku.... *sob*
Oh YEAH!!i just bought 2 dvd!Kuroshitsuji OVA and Please teacher *blush* !aku habiskan citer please teacher malam tadi!termasuk citer bonus dier,Please Twins yg *gonna have a nose bleed* tak ade censor langsung!tgk please teacher pun aku rase mcm dah nak 3 kali idung aku nak berdarah(tp tak berdarah pun...*SREEET*hingus jew...) ni g tengok please twins!I was DYING!
PLease teacher punye citer boley SILAP!saper yg buat DVD tu masuk kan ade 1 episod tuh,TWICE!dah aku tak ley tgk 1 episode tuh(sbenarnyew tak kisah sgt pun...episode tuh complicated sgt,byk cakap and aku dah penah tgk.Tak BEST!!)....3/4 through the please twins series,i was begging.WHEN WILL IT STOP??!!!in the end Karen dpt tau dier adik Maiku(aku rase patutnye dlm bhase jepun kan....)and Miina suke Maiku and blablabla(i know many of you will lose interest if i kept going on about it....)hari ni nak tgk Sebas-chan and Grell-san!oh yeah!and the best place to buy anime dvd?POPULAR BOOK STORES AND SPEEDY!
Anyways,aku baru dpt berita.uhmmm...berite nyer tak sedey,dan juge tak gembiro!Ia lebih merisaukan aku lak kat sorang mamat bendul ngan sorang minah slow nih..NO.They didn't do anything...they are just..standing there.Not doing anything.Questioning who should make the first move when...everybody knows how they feel towards each other.They thought everything will be the same if they just shut the **** up about it.Its obviously wrong.
It just irritates me looking at people who are dumb enough not to realize their true feelings.
Everything is on the move.So you better move too.The mamat and minah now acts awkwardly towards each other.My best advice for them is run for it.Chase it.Grab it.Cherish it.Be as greedy as you want but please watch out...Nothing is actually wrong about it.What matters now is 'NOW'.And if either of them don't make a move right now,they're gonna lose something precious.
(KEPADE SESAPER YG TERASE TUH....hehehe..saper makan cili,dier la yg terase pedasnyew...
aku dah ade list dah mamat-mamat and minah-minah yg bendol bin lurus nih..but i'm not telling~ *wink!*)
Kepade Dayah:
ko roll dadu jelah pasal asrama shit klau ko g asrama....ko tak dpt la jumpe aku.... *sob*
Oh YEAH!!i just bought 2 dvd!Kuroshitsuji OVA and Please teacher *blush* !aku habiskan citer please teacher malam tadi!termasuk citer bonus dier,Please Twins yg *gonna have a nose bleed* tak ade censor langsung!tgk please teacher pun aku rase mcm dah nak 3 kali idung aku nak berdarah(tp tak berdarah pun...*SREEET*hingus jew...) ni g tengok please twins!I was DYING!
PLease teacher punye citer boley SILAP!saper yg buat DVD tu masuk kan ade 1 episod tuh,TWICE!dah aku tak ley tgk 1 episode tuh(sbenarnyew tak kisah sgt pun...episode tuh complicated sgt,byk cakap and aku dah penah tgk.Tak BEST!!)....3/4 through the please twins series,i was begging.WHEN WILL IT STOP??!!!in the end Karen dpt tau dier adik Maiku(aku rase patutnye dlm bhase jepun kan....)and Miina suke Maiku and blablabla(i know many of you will lose interest if i kept going on about it....)hari ni nak tgk Sebas-chan and Grell-san!oh yeah!and the best place to buy anime dvd?POPULAR BOOK STORES AND SPEEDY!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Tak caye btol smlm. Tak sangka die akan cakap camtu. Susah nk caye. Susah nak terima. Knape tibe2 cakap cmtu? Ape kene mengene TKC ngan benda tu? Saye tak paham. I was really shocked when you said that last night. Why all of the sudden? I don't hate you. Seriously. I'll never hate you. I was just shocked. I do not know whether I can forgive you for this time being. I do not know whether I can see your face when we meet. It's hard you know. It's hard to accept this. Please give me some time to think. Give me some time to think about what you've said. =/
Monday, September 6, 2010
Selamat Hari Raya~~!!!

Disini, kita ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri buat semua. Kita ingin susun 10 jari tangan dan 10 jari kaki (x]) memohon maaf kat korang. Ampunkan kita dari hujung rambut sampai hujung jari kaki. Kita minta maaf sangat2 kalo kita ada banyak buat salah kat korang. Sorry ye. Hmm.. Selamat pulang ke kampung. Bahaya! Hehe.. Jangan main mercun!Jangan makan banyak2.. Nanti berat badan naik. Jadi macam kita ni, makan tak banyak, bdan sentiasa slim.. x] Oh! Jangan raya sakan sangat2. Jangan lupa baca buku. Exam besar tahun ni! Hehe. Jangan lupa bagi duit raya. Jangan lupa bawak kuih raya gi sekolah tau! x]
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!
Why SBP??
Whats so good about SBP anyway, they're just going to put pressure on you. Tengok abang aq pown dah cukop, budak2 asrama nih, asalkan ade mase sket jer..POOOK!!! bareng atas katel tido...klo study pown,,sta-do...depends laa..ade stengah blaja tol2, tp kebykan nyer..hidop ngan bantal busuk..LOL..Sape2 yg dapat SBP nnt good luck with your hostel life. I had enough of it.hahahaha slamat hari raye you guys!!! jgn maen mercon yg bahaye(lol bru brape second dah meletop meriam buloh,, kekagetan I..) c u guys onda 20th sept....
Au Revoir!!
Au Revoir!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
KTK or SBPI Rawang?

I'm so confused! Which one to choose??!! Kolej Tunku Kurshiah or SBPI Rawang???!!! T________T KTK dekat ngan rumah mak cik2 (=='). Senang kot kalo ade ape2. Btw, my aunt pernah sekolah kat situ. My mom kate skolh tu bagus. Iman and Elyza apply kat situ. Syera pulak bakal apply kat situ. SBPIR pulak, takde sape. Tapi dekat gak ngan rumah. Asal pilih dekat2? Kenapa tak pilih jauh? Senang je sebab dia.
1) Senang nak balik kalo ade ape2
2) Taun depan kan expecting x]
3) Dekat ngan rumah
4) Senang mak ayah nak amik
5) Dekat ngan rumah
6) Dekat ngan rumah
7) Dekat ngan rumah
Begitulh sbbnye yg strusnye. Erghhh! Boleh sakit kepala dbuatnye! Dude! I need ur help! Please help me choose! Where are you? Please help me!!!!
P/S: Happy Holiday! Untuk budak2 selain tahun 6, ting 3, ting 5 and ting 6 ats jer.. Yg tahun 6, Ting 3, Ting 5 and Ting 6 ats tu kne study yer.. Tahun ni nk exam. x]
weehheee..... akhirnye.. raye.. actually, x de ape2 pun yang aq sker kecuali holiday(of coz)new cloths, new shoes, and duit raye... thats it.. yeah.. i'm materialistic.. ape yang best tentang raye??? hurm... kecik2 dulu best ar, skarang dah x... dlu, wak2 mak ngan abah pi semyang terawih, selalu main bunge api.. dah abis main bunge api, main baling seliper sampai tgh malam.. dlm kol 11... penat sangat!! pas2, bler balik kampung, dpat bnyk duit raye... skrang dah x de.. hehehe...well, aq amik kesempatan nih untuk mintak maaf kalo ade yang terase... tau2 je la aq nih... ckap main lepas je~~ kekekeke... btw, i decided not to go jlan2 raye... penat la~~ tapi, x tau lagi.. mane la tau, aq berubah fikiran, hurm... ape2 nanti inform aq tau~~!!! and taun nih x rase mcm nak raye umah budak laki AND raye ngan budak laki.. aq x sker... ~jay~
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Perghh... Ramai giler dowh nak apply SBP.. Ape yg best ehh?? Haha.. Ckap org.. Die pon nak apply gk.. LOL.. Well.. Gi website Ministry of Education(Cehh..) tadi.. Perghh.. Nak masuk punyelah susah.. Kena tunggu lame.. Sampai 2,3 kali ahh kluar dari website tuh.. Pastu dah dapat dah masuk! Siap nak register dah! Tapi tengok bnyk sgt pilihan skolah.. Tu yg susah nak pilih tu.. Tutup lagi skali.. (==') Call mak.. Tanya camne.. Pastu mak tibe2 kate 'Semangat nak masuk!' Heheh.. Pastu mak kate nanti tgk sesama.. Hoho.. Xsbr nak tunjuk kat mak nih! Punyelh bnyk skolh nak pilih! HAHA, Tapi yg confirm nye, xnk masuk Sekolah Seri Puteri.. Ntah nape.. Mungkin sebab mak cik prnah ajr kat sane kn.. So, xnklh.. Hehe.. Hmm.. tapikan.. Betol ker nak masuk nih?? Masih agak2 lagi sbnrnye.. Mula2 dh confirm dah.. Pastu biler dh dgr berita gembira tuh, terus jd teragak-agak.. Hmm.. Nak masuk ker x??? Ntah lh.. Bincang ngn mak nanti!
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