ok... firstly, this is my first time blogging... uhm... yeah... whatever... nervous here~~... just straight to the point! ok.. since friday,... what date ek? i dun know... i just know friday.. malas nak tgk calendar.. X leh bukak FB! (jeng jeng jeng!) and i thought that ok.. maybe the comp had some probs.. so i restart for couples time.. still x leh bukak internet.. i waited for tomorrow and wanted to kacau some people and..... I CAN'T SEND MESSAGE!!!! AND! AT THAT VERY TIME, ON MY BED, I LOOKED AT THE SKY AND... alhamdulillah there was no dome.. i thought that i'm gonna be trapped in dome like in simpson the movie(critical imagination) so i waited untill the next friday, (EVERYNIGHT i dreamed about bukak facebook) i can send message, thought the network ok, bukak la internet... and... STILL cannot bukak...(EVERYNIGHT i dreamed about bukak facebook) i am very angry at that time!!! X GUNE PUNYE ABNG! 68 RINGGIT PUN X DE KE? ******!! ****!! AND got kicked by my parents to go to my sister's house with my two very 'nice' niece and nephew... so, here i am... blogging, and facebooking, and youtubing(?). yeah... my brother paid the bill but i'm still angry with him because it is my habit now to open mv lucifer and TONIGHT, I FOUND OUT THAT THE FILES GONE! GONE! GONE! HUHUHU... LUCIFER, she's gone, tell me goodbye, love, run devil run, love sign, one, stumble2, bingeul, manmanhani and sign... yeah.. i know.. can download balik.. tapi TAU X LAME?! SUME TUH HD TAU! INGAT SENANG? GERAM BETUL! LUCIFER!!!! ~jay~
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