Sunday, November 21, 2010
Lame tak update blog kat sini. Hihi.. Selalu update yg sendiri punya je.. heeeeeeeeeeeeee... Cuti.. Cuti buat ape. Cuti tak buat ape2. Jage kedai saje. Tak buat pae2. Nak join camp, tak boleh. Ade kejer. Nanti gi ujian UKKM plak pada 2 dis. Yang laen semua dah dapt surat, kite jer belom! Biler nak dapat!! =( Ape2 pon, selamat bercuti yer! Walaupon dah agak lambat nk wish. Hehe.. See ya!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Hmm...It's all blank around here...

(Grell....Dead... XD)
I woke up this morning.Terrified.Ya know what I saw??A big cockroach sleeping(i dunno.It didn't move) on the wall.I was utterly shocked,that I accidentally threw one of my comics at it and SPLAT!It died.Thank god.I hate those 'stoopid' creature.On the bright side,i've downloaded 3 new vids today.All of them are from the Kuro Musical 2.But I've been kinda...enclosed about it.Mainly cuz my friends don't watch it and I looked like a sore thumb around them.Most of them are absorbed in their Korean wave and it KINDA makes me feel a bit annoyed..But no matter wat,they are my friends and i should accept them for who they are and all that yadda,yadda stuff...(-_-)
I'm...mindlessly,strolling around and...became a well-known wallpaper.But...ngeh.I don't think they will read this stuff anyway so...YES.I DO FEEL LIKE I AM LIVING ON AN ISLAND.ALONE.Now,its worst.Since school is finished,I don't even have some friends to keep me occupied.I've only got my 'imaginary friends' to accompany me now. (;_;) Oh well...after these deeply personal things I've typed,its time to lower the curtain...as I am a friend to die for(Sorry Grell!Stole your catchphrase!At least its not repeated as much as Sebastian's "I'm one hell of a butler" or "YES,MY LORD"..)! Sayonara!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
every1 is in coupling mood, huh? that just leave alone... :( that's fine.. i'm not that desprate.. haih... why is it so hard 2 find guy that i like.. wish i can be raje, there's a lot of guys she likes.. whatever.. so after his, it'll be elyyza, and then..... iman? dun know... hopefully hajar? AHAHAHAHAHAxDD
well, it's not impossible, based on what we witnessed, we expected hidayah would be the last one who gonna involve in this coupling-mungling(my new term).. but it's okay.. it's normal teens are in luv... i'm not normal~ gud luck!!! in u guys lovelife~ and confessing love..
well, it's not impossible, based on what we witnessed, we expected hidayah would be the last one who gonna involve in this coupling-mungling(my new term).. but it's okay.. it's normal teens are in luv... i'm not normal~ gud luck!!! in u guys lovelife~ and confessing love..
Eyh, saya dah lama tk post ape2 kat sinikn? owh well, sbb lupe e-mail and passwordnye :P Sorry korng! Asyik post ka my blog je kan? Hurmm, Btw, I think its time for me to confess to Mr.MTA, Sbb cuti pon dah dekat, and aish, tk tau ahh, Rse mcm2 kot, takut etc, ahhh, btw, urmm kat cameron ari tuh, ahh, bertapa kejamye nicky, die ckp suke negok aku blush?! Ngekk kau! Pening pale aku klo aku blush haha, ok, bck tuh confess tuh, errr. korng ade cdgn tk cne nk bgi tau die? supaya die tk freak out (walaupun die da tau) ahhh~ Takut gile!Kang klo slh ckp, habis! Tk nk ahh buat mistakes owh, takut aku, kang tk psl2 die benci aku, no no, tk suke org benci aku, (kot). ahh entahla, Thats all for now and enjoy your Holidays ;) And Happy depavali! Haha
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