Tuesday, November 2, 2010


every1 is in coupling mood, huh? that just leave alone... :( that's fine.. i'm not that desprate.. haih... why is it so hard 2 find guy that i like.. wish i can be raje, there's a lot of guys she likes.. whatever.. so after his, it'll be elyyza, and then..... iman? dun know... hopefully hajar? AHAHAHAHAHAxDD
well, it's not impossible, based on what we witnessed, we expected hidayah would be the last one who gonna involve in this coupling-mungling(my new term).. but it's okay.. it's normal teens are in luv... i'm not normal~ gud luck!!! in u guys lovelife~ and confessing love..


  1. Ko nak rase penumbuk aku?!ko tu biler nak ade someone....

  2. Ish ape nih, aku plak lps nih, no2! aku tk nk! aku boleh crush kat org je, excident nih, aku tk nk (kot) ish..ish...NO!!!! Btw, kau kan ade someone :P that kid yg ckp "banayk borong" tuh! Haha

  3. jay kan yg post nih.... bahahahahXD bleh lak die wish cmtu skali... ko ingt personality manusia bleh dipotostat ke haa? haiihh.. minah sorg nih... serius u need someone that can stand ur craziness+random calling.. even 2 in the morning..=.="

  4. XDD sorry bout that! tought every1 slepp 2 in the morning, actually, now i sleep 4 in the morning.. ahahaha
