Thursday, December 16, 2010
23 Disember!
Yaw, sahabat2ku! Weh2.. Dah lama blog ni tak di'update'. Harini kita nak update. Korang nampak tak tajuk tu. Tarikh apa tu ehh agak2? Well, kalo korang tak tahu lagi, tulah tarikh result PMR akan dikeluarkan! Yer! Result PMR! So, ready2lah yer. Datang sekolah before pukul 10. Pelajar SMKBBST, pakai UNIFORM SEKOLAH! Kita doakan kita semua dapat result cemerlang! =D
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Lame tak update blog kat sini. Hihi.. Selalu update yg sendiri punya je.. heeeeeeeeeeeeee... Cuti.. Cuti buat ape. Cuti tak buat ape2. Jage kedai saje. Tak buat pae2. Nak join camp, tak boleh. Ade kejer. Nanti gi ujian UKKM plak pada 2 dis. Yang laen semua dah dapt surat, kite jer belom! Biler nak dapat!! =( Ape2 pon, selamat bercuti yer! Walaupon dah agak lambat nk wish. Hehe.. See ya!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Hmm...It's all blank around here...

(Grell....Dead... XD)
I woke up this morning.Terrified.Ya know what I saw??A big cockroach sleeping(i dunno.It didn't move) on the wall.I was utterly shocked,that I accidentally threw one of my comics at it and SPLAT!It died.Thank god.I hate those 'stoopid' creature.On the bright side,i've downloaded 3 new vids today.All of them are from the Kuro Musical 2.But I've been kinda...enclosed about it.Mainly cuz my friends don't watch it and I looked like a sore thumb around them.Most of them are absorbed in their Korean wave and it KINDA makes me feel a bit annoyed..But no matter wat,they are my friends and i should accept them for who they are and all that yadda,yadda stuff...(-_-)
I'm...mindlessly,strolling around and...became a well-known wallpaper.But...ngeh.I don't think they will read this stuff anyway so...YES.I DO FEEL LIKE I AM LIVING ON AN ISLAND.ALONE.Now,its worst.Since school is finished,I don't even have some friends to keep me occupied.I've only got my 'imaginary friends' to accompany me now. (;_;) Oh well...after these deeply personal things I've typed,its time to lower the curtain...as I am a friend to die for(Sorry Grell!Stole your catchphrase!At least its not repeated as much as Sebastian's "I'm one hell of a butler" or "YES,MY LORD"..)! Sayonara!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
every1 is in coupling mood, huh? that just leave alone... :( that's fine.. i'm not that desprate.. haih... why is it so hard 2 find guy that i like.. wish i can be raje, there's a lot of guys she likes.. whatever.. so after his, it'll be elyyza, and then..... iman? dun know... hopefully hajar? AHAHAHAHAHAxDD
well, it's not impossible, based on what we witnessed, we expected hidayah would be the last one who gonna involve in this coupling-mungling(my new term).. but it's okay.. it's normal teens are in luv... i'm not normal~ gud luck!!! in u guys lovelife~ and confessing love..
well, it's not impossible, based on what we witnessed, we expected hidayah would be the last one who gonna involve in this coupling-mungling(my new term).. but it's okay.. it's normal teens are in luv... i'm not normal~ gud luck!!! in u guys lovelife~ and confessing love..
Eyh, saya dah lama tk post ape2 kat sinikn? owh well, sbb lupe e-mail and passwordnye :P Sorry korng! Asyik post ka my blog je kan? Hurmm, Btw, I think its time for me to confess to Mr.MTA, Sbb cuti pon dah dekat, and aish, tk tau ahh, Rse mcm2 kot, takut etc, ahhh, btw, urmm kat cameron ari tuh, ahh, bertapa kejamye nicky, die ckp suke negok aku blush?! Ngekk kau! Pening pale aku klo aku blush haha, ok, bck tuh confess tuh, errr. korng ade cdgn tk cne nk bgi tau die? supaya die tk freak out (walaupun die da tau) ahhh~ Takut gile!Kang klo slh ckp, habis! Tk nk ahh buat mistakes owh, takut aku, kang tk psl2 die benci aku, no no, tk suke org benci aku, (kot). ahh entahla, Thats all for now and enjoy your Holidays ;) And Happy depavali! Haha
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Coupling? Kita? Ehem.. Ehem.. Cam tak caye kan? Dengan sape? Ade lah... HAHA, Tapi mmg cam tak percaye.. Ye ahh.. Couple ngn bdak tu.. Bdak pmalu.. Dahlh kitorg jrang sgt ckp. Jarang? Stau kite tak pernh.. Well, skali je kot.. HAHA, Mcm mane bleh couple ngn die? Kitorg suke same suke.. lol. Sejak bile suke kat die? Hmm.. Well, since tahun 6. Ktorg knl kat tmpt tusyen. Lame gak kn? Die je tak tau.. Shh.. Jgn bgtau die tau.. HAHA, Sebab ape suke die? Well, adelah sebab2 kite yg tsendiri.. Nanti kite bgtau, korg rse ape pulak.. So, kite senyap je lh.. Since when ktorg couple? Err.. Rhsie! hehe.. Kite bgtau ni sbb korg dok tnye jer.. kalo x, kite xpost.. So, kalo ade ape2 soalan lg, silalah tnye yer.. Kite akn sdia mjbnye.. Kcuali soalan2 tertntu.. Hehe.. Well, Kite harap kitorg akan kekal sampai bile2.. AMIN!!! HAHA, So, itu je lh kot. Ok. Adios! Assalamualaikum!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
need to talk
ok, i hope u guys is in ultimate boredom and open this blog. it's about my addiction. k-pop. yeah, i know... Hajar, dun go somewhere else or cursing. yeah, u guys annoyed by it. but we can't control of our addiction. dun say u guys understand bcoz u guys dun know and i dun care, it makes me mad. ok... what i'm gonna say earlier? ouh... it's hard u know... i'm in the process in leaving all my addiction, termasuklah YT, FB, k-pop... dun believe it? i already talked to raja. ask her. ok, now, i know that u guys are upset bcoz we abandoned u guys and did lots of stupid stuff and talking weird stuffs. u guys mad and annoyed bcoz u guys dun like it. it's like to me someone is talking about JUSTIN BIEBER or someone else every time, every hour. "that guys dun know u all, and u guys are all crazy of them and say he is mine, he is mine!" dun think i forgot about that. i took that very seriously and i'm hurt. i wish u guys know how we felt. the urge of adrenalin, the happiness. it makes u thrilled.. ohh... i sounded like mad girl (a little truth in that) and i'm hurt bcoz it's true. and i always asking why? why? why am i suddenly jump up when hear about them? it was reflex.. why am i angry when u critic them? believe me.... i'm more control at school than i'm at the house. i saw news of them and i scream and squeling like crazy. AND when i hear u guys critic them, i'm so angry that i want to punch that person's face. yeah, crazy, right? but i tried to control it. so far, mission is succes. why am i talking about this? because HONESTY IS THE BEST. i want to show u guys how we feel.. every1 has their obsession. it's just ours seems can't be control. that's what i'm afraid of. that obsession. urmm.... little distracted here.. what is it that i actually want to say?ok.... i'm not gonna promise this, but i tried to talk to others to LESSEN our obsession. it's not healthy too if we always talk about kpop. -jay-
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Alamanda trip
Ok guys! I need a logical idea for this event. Okay here's the problem. My mom let me go to Alamanda BUT, there's a transportation problem. See, my dad is working on that day( SHIT!), and he HAVE to use the car ( DAMN IT). My auntie got classes on weekends, so, she can't help me ( OH GOD!). I'm still thinking of posting the trip, but I don't know when. So, I really need your help ( SOS)..please, please, please, please, please, please, please! I want my 15th birthday, the day to remember for the rest of my frigin life!!!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
sick of them
i already wrote in my status, wrote in my blog. but i dun care. it's a democratic country. i can typed as long as i'm not doing any criminal. mak aq bual2 ngan abang aq tadi, talking about ego. come on.... every 1 is ego. i never met some1 ego never ever doesn't has a slightest ego in their selves. how can i know? i live with ego people 4 almost 15 years. dun say "oh, i totally understand ur feelings! it's so annoying, right? " bla.. bla.. bla... go to hell, u guys dun know anything about my life unless u are me. think that being the youngest is the best? got lots of money? yeah, it sure do feel good but it can be gone.. like... 1 minute? whatever.. ok, u are the youngest, dun know things in the world works. u are a kid. u dun know how we feel. ok i dun know how u feel, how can i know? u don even show me. worried that if u reveal ur weakness, it'll make ur life end. u must have pride in urself as an adult. dun show ur tears. show ur bravery. chhtt... i'm sick of that. then, when i make some problems, the adults gonna say"u dun know what i'm feeling! u dun know the hard of it!" blame us? u guys the one who think we are soo stupid. think that we are so helpless. think we can't help u guys. only think that we only do fun. yeah. we are small. sometimes, i just feel like i'm mad thinking all this stuff. sometimes, i can't stand it. but amazingly, i still can. i still living on this world. it's how this world works. the strongest will be on top, the weakest will be on the bottom. it's a cruel world, but, what can u do about it? 4 me, the anger will past and i knew it'll always come back... but it's not only hatred, anger, sadness exist in this world, there's happiness, love and so much more. it is the world that make the world is. ~jay~
Friday, October 1, 2010
i'm in luv?
ok, i'm not in luv... just wanna make it sound more catchy.. hahahaha. well.. whem i'm studying... or more to... i dun know... imagining... sort of.. i felt boring and kinda sick looking at books.. i started doodling-as usual- and wrote some ridiculous things... then, this come out from my dead brain
i keep feeling sad 4 nothing
i keep feeling happy for nothing
i keep feeling pain for nothing
i wonder what makes me feel like that?
when i feel like i'm on the top of the world, suddenly the sadness push me
and i falled from the top to the bottom that has no end
i have nothing to hold
nothing to grab
why this feeling has no end?
i can't breath! it suffocate me!
is it you? u charmed my heart
i'm afraid to come near to you
afraid that i'll be greed and want more from you
that i'll trap ur life
afraid when u are gone, my life would be nothing
afraid i can't thinking anything else but you
afraid you'll hate me, you afraid of me
i set my mind to forget you
because there are lots of others that can make u happy
but i can't stay away from you
i'm afraid to forget that face, that smile, that voice
that feeling that made me happy, made my heart beat so fast until i felt like it gonna explode
afraid of losing you
so i keep battling with these feeling
i can't tell you
afraid you'll blame urself for making me like this
afraid of my self
so when i felt greed, i'll stay away from you
and just watch you live a happy life
bcoz that's my happiness come from
sounded like cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan... kehkehkeh... sape la mamat aq sker tuh ek? x de lah.. what do u guys thinks? i can be a good lyricist? kind a like it even though my english kinda suckz ~jay~
i keep feeling sad 4 nothing
i keep feeling happy for nothing
i keep feeling pain for nothing
i wonder what makes me feel like that?
when i feel like i'm on the top of the world, suddenly the sadness push me
and i falled from the top to the bottom that has no end
i have nothing to hold
nothing to grab
why this feeling has no end?
i can't breath! it suffocate me!
is it you? u charmed my heart
i'm afraid to come near to you
afraid that i'll be greed and want more from you
that i'll trap ur life
afraid when u are gone, my life would be nothing
afraid i can't thinking anything else but you
afraid you'll hate me, you afraid of me
i set my mind to forget you
because there are lots of others that can make u happy
but i can't stay away from you
i'm afraid to forget that face, that smile, that voice
that feeling that made me happy, made my heart beat so fast until i felt like it gonna explode
afraid of losing you
so i keep battling with these feeling
i can't tell you
afraid you'll blame urself for making me like this
afraid of my self
so when i felt greed, i'll stay away from you
and just watch you live a happy life
bcoz that's my happiness come from
sounded like cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan... kehkehkeh... sape la mamat aq sker tuh ek? x de lah.. what do u guys thinks? i can be a good lyricist? kind a like it even though my english kinda suckz ~jay~
Saturday, September 11, 2010
janah's raye story
finish my raye at 2nd day.. my raye was short like any raye in my life... kalo raye 4 hari tuh, mmg plng lame lah! of coz duit raye kene cter kan? raye nih, ok lah... mcm taun lpas.. dapat rm300 lebih... SUME siblings(siblings bnyk) and abah kasi... x de nyer orang lain nak kasi... mostly tanye "keje kat mane?","blaja u mane?" kadang2.."dah kawin ke?" atau..."ni yang plng kecik?! ingat yang tadi(kakak aq)..."hurm.. sabo je ler... and aq dah tgk cter piranha~~ mcm jaws.. suspen je lebih.. cume piranha nih kureng lagi la dari jaws. pas2, nasib aq mmg x menyebelahi!! aq nak beli mp3, tapi asyik x jadi!! kedai tutup(raye la katekan..) or salesgirl/man pi break.. huhuhhu.. kalo tgh loaded, bende yang nak di beli, mesti ade bende yang halang! kalo poket tgh kosong.. sume mengizinkan, kadang2 sale pulak tuh! haish.. dugaan.. sabo je le.. ~ jay~
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Messenger
Yaaay!Time yg kite tunggu dah sampai!Dah raye!jeng jeng!*Took out a big box filled with kuih raye*please take 1!ONE ONLY please.Ade tujuannye kenape diorg letak 'selamat' kalau nak wish time perayaan nih...maksud nyew,ko SELAMAT time hari raye.Tak hilang 1 jari ke bute mate sebelah..So jgn main mercun and meriam buluh!*silently trying to hide the 3 bag plastics full of mercun and 2 custom made meriam buluh that she ordered from her cousins*what?that?oh.that was for....merdeka celebration!hehehe...(-"-)
Anyways,aku baru dpt berita.uhmmm...berite nyer tak sedey,dan juge tak gembiro!Ia lebih merisaukan aku lak kat sorang mamat bendul ngan sorang minah slow nih..NO.They didn't do anything...they are just..standing there.Not doing anything.Questioning who should make the first move when...everybody knows how they feel towards each other.They thought everything will be the same if they just shut the **** up about it.Its obviously wrong.
It just irritates me looking at people who are dumb enough not to realize their true feelings.
Everything is on the move.So you better move too.The mamat and minah now acts awkwardly towards each other.My best advice for them is run for it.Chase it.Grab it.Cherish it.Be as greedy as you want but please watch out...Nothing is actually wrong about it.What matters now is 'NOW'.And if either of them don't make a move right now,they're gonna lose something precious.
(KEPADE SESAPER YG TERASE TUH....hehehe..saper makan cili,dier la yg terase pedasnyew...
aku dah ade list dah mamat-mamat and minah-minah yg bendol bin lurus nih..but i'm not telling~ *wink!*)
Kepade Dayah:
ko roll dadu jelah pasal asrama shit tuh...tp klau ko g asrama....ko tak dpt la jumpe aku.... *sob*
Oh YEAH!!i just bought 2 dvd!Kuroshitsuji OVA and Please teacher *blush* !aku habiskan citer please teacher malam tadi!termasuk citer bonus dier,Please Twins yg *gonna have a nose bleed* tak ade censor langsung!tgk please teacher pun aku rase mcm dah nak 3 kali idung aku nak berdarah(tp tak berdarah pun...*SREEET*hingus jew...) ni g tengok please twins!I was DYING!
PLease teacher punye citer boley SILAP!saper yg buat DVD tu masuk kan ade 1 episod tuh,TWICE!dah aku tak ley tgk 1 episode tuh(sbenarnyew tak kisah sgt pun...episode tuh complicated sgt,byk cakap and aku dah penah tgk.Tak BEST!!)....3/4 through the please twins series,i was begging.WHEN WILL IT STOP??!!!in the end Karen dpt tau dier adik Maiku(aku rase patutnye Mike...tp dlm bhase jepun kan....)and Miina suke Maiku and blablabla(i know many of you will lose interest if i kept going on about it....)hari ni nak tgk Sebas-chan and Grell-san!oh yeah!and the best place to buy anime dvd?POPULAR BOOK STORES AND SPEEDY!
Anyways,aku baru dpt berita.uhmmm...berite nyer tak sedey,dan juge tak gembiro!Ia lebih merisaukan aku lak kat sorang mamat bendul ngan sorang minah slow nih..NO.They didn't do anything...they are just..standing there.Not doing anything.Questioning who should make the first move when...everybody knows how they feel towards each other.They thought everything will be the same if they just shut the **** up about it.Its obviously wrong.
It just irritates me looking at people who are dumb enough not to realize their true feelings.
Everything is on the move.So you better move too.The mamat and minah now acts awkwardly towards each other.My best advice for them is run for it.Chase it.Grab it.Cherish it.Be as greedy as you want but please watch out...Nothing is actually wrong about it.What matters now is 'NOW'.And if either of them don't make a move right now,they're gonna lose something precious.
(KEPADE SESAPER YG TERASE TUH....hehehe..saper makan cili,dier la yg terase pedasnyew...
aku dah ade list dah mamat-mamat and minah-minah yg bendol bin lurus nih..but i'm not telling~ *wink!*)
Kepade Dayah:
ko roll dadu jelah pasal asrama shit tuh...tp klau ko g asrama....ko tak dpt la jumpe aku.... *sob*
Oh YEAH!!i just bought 2 dvd!Kuroshitsuji OVA and Please teacher *blush* !aku habiskan citer please teacher malam tadi!termasuk citer bonus dier,Please Twins yg *gonna have a nose bleed* tak ade censor langsung!tgk please teacher pun aku rase mcm dah nak 3 kali idung aku nak berdarah(tp tak berdarah pun...*SREEET*hingus jew...) ni g tengok please twins!I was DYING!
PLease teacher punye citer boley SILAP!saper yg buat DVD tu masuk kan ade 1 episod tuh,TWICE!dah aku tak ley tgk 1 episode tuh(sbenarnyew tak kisah sgt pun...episode tuh complicated sgt,byk cakap and aku dah penah tgk.Tak BEST!!)....3/4 through the please twins series,i was begging.WHEN WILL IT STOP??!!!in the end Karen dpt tau dier adik Maiku(aku rase patutnye Mike...tp dlm bhase jepun kan....)and Miina suke Maiku and blablabla(i know many of you will lose interest if i kept going on about it....)hari ni nak tgk Sebas-chan and Grell-san!oh yeah!and the best place to buy anime dvd?POPULAR BOOK STORES AND SPEEDY!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Tak caye btol smlm. Tak sangka die akan cakap camtu. Susah nk caye. Susah nak terima. Knape tibe2 cakap cmtu? Ape kene mengene TKC ngan benda tu? Saye tak paham. I was really shocked when you said that last night. Why all of the sudden? I don't hate you. Seriously. I'll never hate you. I was just shocked. I do not know whether I can forgive you for this time being. I do not know whether I can see your face when we meet. It's hard you know. It's hard to accept this. Please give me some time to think. Give me some time to think about what you've said. =/
Monday, September 6, 2010
Selamat Hari Raya~~!!!

Disini, kita ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri buat semua. Kita ingin susun 10 jari tangan dan 10 jari kaki (x]) memohon maaf kat korang. Ampunkan kita dari hujung rambut sampai hujung jari kaki. Kita minta maaf sangat2 kalo kita ada banyak buat salah kat korang. Sorry ye. Hmm.. Selamat pulang ke kampung. Bahaya! Hehe.. Jangan main mercun!Jangan makan banyak2.. Nanti berat badan naik. Jadi macam kita ni, makan tak banyak, bdan sentiasa slim.. x] Oh! Jangan raya sakan sangat2. Jangan lupa baca buku. Exam besar tahun ni! Hehe. Jangan lupa bagi duit raya. Jangan lupa bawak kuih raya gi sekolah tau! x]
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!
Why SBP??
Whats so good about SBP anyway, they're just going to put pressure on you. Tengok abang aq pown dah cukop, budak2 asrama nih, asalkan ade mase sket jer..POOOK!!! bareng atas katel tido...klo study pown,,sta-do...depends laa..ade stengah blaja tol2, tp kebykan nyer..hidop ngan bantal busuk..LOL..Sape2 yg dapat SBP nnt good luck with your hostel life. I had enough of it.hahahaha slamat hari raye you guys!!! jgn maen mercon yg bahaye(lol bru brape second dah meletop meriam buloh,, kekagetan I..) c u guys onda 20th sept....
Au Revoir!!
Au Revoir!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
KTK or SBPI Rawang?

I'm so confused! Which one to choose??!! Kolej Tunku Kurshiah or SBPI Rawang???!!! T________T KTK dekat ngan rumah mak cik2 (=='). Senang kot kalo ade ape2. Btw, my aunt pernah sekolah kat situ. My mom kate skolh tu bagus. Iman and Elyza apply kat situ. Syera pulak bakal apply kat situ. SBPIR pulak, takde sape. Tapi dekat gak ngan rumah. Asal pilih dekat2? Kenapa tak pilih jauh? Senang je sebab dia.
1) Senang nak balik kalo ade ape2
2) Taun depan kan expecting x]
3) Dekat ngan rumah
4) Senang mak ayah nak amik
5) Dekat ngan rumah
6) Dekat ngan rumah
7) Dekat ngan rumah
Begitulh sbbnye yg strusnye. Erghhh! Boleh sakit kepala dbuatnye! Dude! I need ur help! Please help me choose! Where are you? Please help me!!!!
P/S: Happy Holiday! Untuk budak2 selain tahun 6, ting 3, ting 5 and ting 6 ats jer.. Yg tahun 6, Ting 3, Ting 5 and Ting 6 ats tu kne study yer.. Tahun ni nk exam. x]
weehheee..... akhirnye.. raye.. actually, x de ape2 pun yang aq sker kecuali holiday(of coz)new cloths, new shoes, and duit raye... thats it.. yeah.. i'm materialistic.. ape yang best tentang raye??? hurm... kecik2 dulu best ar, skarang dah x... dlu, wak2 mak ngan abah pi semyang terawih, selalu main bunge api.. dah abis main bunge api, main baling seliper sampai tgh malam.. dlm kol 11... penat sangat!! pas2, bler balik kampung, dpat bnyk duit raye... skrang dah x de.. hehehe...well, aq amik kesempatan nih untuk mintak maaf kalo ade yang terase... tau2 je la aq nih... ckap main lepas je~~ kekekeke... btw, i decided not to go jlan2 raye... penat la~~ tapi, x tau lagi.. mane la tau, aq berubah fikiran, hurm... ape2 nanti inform aq tau~~!!! and taun nih x rase mcm nak raye umah budak laki AND raye ngan budak laki.. aq x sker... ~jay~
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Perghh... Ramai giler dowh nak apply SBP.. Ape yg best ehh?? Haha.. Ckap org.. Die pon nak apply gk.. LOL.. Well.. Gi website Ministry of Education(Cehh..) tadi.. Perghh.. Nak masuk punyelah susah.. Kena tunggu lame.. Sampai 2,3 kali ahh kluar dari website tuh.. Pastu dah dapat dah masuk! Siap nak register dah! Tapi tengok bnyk sgt pilihan skolah.. Tu yg susah nak pilih tu.. Tutup lagi skali.. (==') Call mak.. Tanya camne.. Pastu mak tibe2 kate 'Semangat nak masuk!' Heheh.. Pastu mak kate nanti tgk sesama.. Hoho.. Xsbr nak tunjuk kat mak nih! Punyelh bnyk skolh nak pilih! HAHA, Tapi yg confirm nye, xnk masuk Sekolah Seri Puteri.. Ntah nape.. Mungkin sebab mak cik prnah ajr kat sane kn.. So, xnklh.. Hehe.. Hmm.. tapikan.. Betol ker nak masuk nih?? Masih agak2 lagi sbnrnye.. Mula2 dh confirm dah.. Pastu biler dh dgr berita gembira tuh, terus jd teragak-agak.. Hmm.. Nak masuk ker x??? Ntah lh.. Bincang ngn mak nanti!
Monday, August 30, 2010
SBP?????? hurm.... tgh pertimbangkan... the main fun of SBP is NO PARENTS ALLOWED~~
yeah~!!! thats mean no nagging, no yelling and FFREEEEEEEEDDDOOOOMMMM~~ i think i can stand live in dorm, bcoz my house is already like a dorm. tuala x sidai kene marah, pinggan kene basuh sendiri, lpas makan kene kemas meja, baju kene basuh sendri(washing machine.. hehehe), x leh jadik mcm orang gler(kecuali kalo parents x de, ko bleh ketawe mcm orang gler and sebab tuh kat skolah aq mcm org gler) sume bende kene kemas(parents aq mlas nka bising lagi pasal bilik aq... ;p) well, actually... bukan sume tuh perkare basic ke?sume pun wat camnih kan? aq je yang malas.... kekekeke
BUT only 1 thing i can't let go: utube and facebook.. my only motivation to stand on this world(merepek).. oh! and no 4 hours nap....
hurm.... lagipun kene dapat 6A and above... ugghh... just remembered about hw... poor the forest, only because our lazy ass, they have to sacrifice themselves.. hahahaha.. whatever.. can't think clearly right now~~~ ~jaysquared~
yeah~!!! thats mean no nagging, no yelling and FFREEEEEEEEDDDOOOOMMMM~~ i think i can stand live in dorm, bcoz my house is already like a dorm. tuala x sidai kene marah, pinggan kene basuh sendiri, lpas makan kene kemas meja, baju kene basuh sendri(washing machine.. hehehe), x leh jadik mcm orang gler(kecuali kalo parents x de, ko bleh ketawe mcm orang gler and sebab tuh kat skolah aq mcm org gler) sume bende kene kemas(parents aq mlas nka bising lagi pasal bilik aq... ;p) well, actually... bukan sume tuh perkare basic ke?sume pun wat camnih kan? aq je yang malas.... kekekeke
BUT only 1 thing i can't let go: utube and facebook.. my only motivation to stand on this world(merepek).. oh! and no 4 hours nap....
hurm.... lagipun kene dapat 6A and above... ugghh... just remembered about hw... poor the forest, only because our lazy ass, they have to sacrifice themselves.. hahahaha.. whatever.. can't think clearly right now~~~ ~jaysquared~
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Cookies ala-ala Famous Amos!!

Biskut ni warna camni sebab banyak coklat. Bukan hangus tau! x]
Cewah Abang Azam buat biskut pulak ye?? Haha.. Dia kate Cookies ala-ala Famous Amos. Haha. Yeker? Cam tak caya jer.. x] Dia jual RM15 satu balang. Ada 50 biji kat dalam. Murah.. Yelah.. Ade gak kawan2 dia yang dah beli.. Ade yang main beli je sebab murah.. xP Ada yang dah rasa tahun lepas. (Cehh! Taun lepas buat, bukan nak cakap!) Anyway, dia mintak tanya kawan2 kalo2 ade sesiapa nak beli.. Abang Azam, kalo buat cookies, cakap lah dari minggu lepas ke.. Ni cakap minggu ni.. Manelah sempat kot.. Minggu depan dah cuti.. Tapi takpelah, die dah penat2 buatkan? So tanye jelh..Ade tak sape2 dari korang nak beli biskut 'Special' buatan tangan die? Hehe.. Kalo ade, text kite atau komen kat post ni atau message kat FB atau Myspace.. Mane2 jelah yang korang suke.. Ok? RM15 satu balang.. Dalam balang tu ada 50 biji.. Kalo nak, cakap tau. Nanti den order straight ke die. Ok?
Hahahaha love what you guys did with the background, thank god you've changed the song..and its MIKA..WOHOO!!.. Can't wait for the holidays!!! Wow...huh...urmmm...okay guys, good luck with your fasting week..toodlez!!
Au Revoir
Au Revoir
Thursday, August 26, 2010
eventhough we got holiday for three days, but we got homework like for a week, a month!! one of many things i hate in this world is homework!!! and right now, i really hate myself right now, all the things i said, i did, all wrong!!! what they all want? i'm human too!! i deserve to merungut(?)~~
Finally! 3 days of holiday! I'm so loving it! Yeah! Man, yeah! Haha.. Tapi esok kena gi library.. Kena study.. Tapi takpelah. Esok je.. Haha.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
ok, i wanted to change the song, REALLY2 want!!! but too many songs... and being ME, if i have many choices, i will end up picking the bad one... yup... that's me.. and after the excitement i got permission to change the song.. i forgot ONE REALLLY2 MOST IMPORTANT THING, I DUN KNOW HOW TO CHANGE IT!!!! xD hahahahahaha.... silly me.. well, thanx to elyza.. she helping me.. kekekeke... right now.. while she was doing something2.. i'm typing this post... kukuku.. seriously, that"kukuku" can't dissappeared.. i feel like i'm frog.. and about that mamat i WAS falled in luv.. well, i'm not interested in him anymore.. there's a incident that a few only knew... and after this, i won't fall in luv with guys in or near this town... trial was over and i got lots of hw tertunggakwe are waiting 4 raye and then THE REAL PMR... and my english still sucks~~ and from all of my frends, my post is the longest...(horrible grammar) ~jay~
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Thank You!
Thank You, Goat Dude sebab tolong ajarkan gitar. Walaupun tengah2 malam, tapi Goat Dude sanggup gak ajar. Sorry kalo menyusahkan.. But, I really appreciate it. Thank you very much!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
this week is examination week~~!!!! well, since i'm the only 1 who always 'free'... hehehehe... poor us.. trial is like.. hard and easy... both la... poor THEM bcoz if i fail, i get nothing, but if they fail, allah knows... haHAHAHa.... time exam shinee's songs like radio in my head... always heard them... huhuhuhu.. can't concentrate... shinee.. shinee... well, let us pray and hope that we all will get good result in this trial and next examnation and cemerlang di dunia dan di akhirat.. hehehe.. this month is fasting month..ah! when i came back from schooll. singgah bookstore(beli compasses).. rezeki diri ini kowt.. met this boy really ensem.. my taste.. putih melepak, tinggi, and his voice... very sweet... can't see his full face coz he was looking at a book... nampak tampang muke je.. kalo tgk lame2 karang dye perasan.. malu eden... maybe budak U.. hehehe.. and baik hati gak.. wah! i'm in luv!! kekekeke.. nak je ari2 dtg kedai buku... tapi, nanti abis duit... ah.. hope i'll get to meet this boy again... my prince charming finally arrive~~ see, hidayah? there still a boy that fullfil my taste eventhough my taste as high as sky!! ~happyjanah~
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Bosan giler bai~~!!! Ye ahh.. Seharian x chat ngan dia.. Haish~~ Apa macam ni.. Itu mlm ada kata mau dgr itu crita.. Tapi tak on2.. Sudah 12jam saya tggu.. Tak juga on2.. Kalo saya tau ini mcm, saya tarak on ini lama.. Haiyo.. Harap2 esok tengahari or petang on yer.. :)
p/s : Selamat Berpuasa! =)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Am I in heaven or what?
I'll take 'or what' cuz seriously!my life is crazy!Crazy house,Crazy parents,crazy teachers,crazy school,crazy friends,crazy books,crazy,crazy,CRAZY!!!I'm going CRAZY!!!***k you crazy things!!even my internet is crazy!then what?my beloved game is gonna be crazy too?!(talking about crazy games,Afiq hadn't give me the O2Jam yet....I'm dying to play it!)***k you stupid PMR you *****!!!Huuuh........now that i'm relaxed,why don't we talk about something better...like...YAY~!Puasa(fasting) is around the corner and i am looking forward to it!!Let's cheer for something after it!!RAYA!!!dooit raye will be filling my pocketS and maybe i'll get to buy something!anyways,for KING,i really don't know why you were in my dream with the dancing and STUFF but seriously,it hurts my eyes more than yours.for others,happy puase andhooray for prekse(oh damn!)
Yours crazily,
Yours crazily,
Saturday, August 7, 2010
dah tukar lagu? sape punye nih?? and i thought that MANE BLEH GUNE WARNE KUNING?! aq agak jeles ar ngan dilla kan dilla? ye la, korang nyer wak2 skolah, aq nyer wak2 cuti.. x de sape sambut. huhuhu.. kekeke.. gedik ~gedikjay~
Friday, August 6, 2010
Bahahaha~~!!! Siap gak cari pasal anti merokok tu.. Hehe.. Banyak gk.. Hoho~~ Thanks to Abang Azam again.. Haha.. Tq very much~~!! Ohh.. And also about the guitar.. Tq~~!!
already pass twelve, i hope they do it okay~~ just woke up from sleep.. hehehe.. x berus gigi lagi... taik mate pun ade lagi.. kekeke.. i was so silly... misunderstood.. hehehe.. malunye~~ hepy almost bufday~ happy almost bufday~ kekekeke... ooh! baru tgk fb tadi, hari nih rupenye bufday kakak aq.. kkeke.. x pe la.. bukannye sambut.. ~sleepyjay~
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Ahad lepas, 1.8.2010, gi shopping kat 1Utama~~ Kitorang gi pagi2. Awal2 pon ramai gak dowh.. Ihh.. Smpai2 gi breakfast kat Delifrance.. Layanan die, xbest!! Diorg layan org Cina jer.. Kitorang ni, dtgglkn.. T.T Pas mkn, ape lg, strt ahh shopping!! Haha.. Tapi xbnyk.. Lol.. Jln jer bnyk.. Haha.. Taufik beli baju and keychain and bag.. Me beli baju and keychain jer.. tapi lawa ahh~~ Ngee~~ Baju jenama 'Hush Puppies'. Boleh tahan ahh haraga.. Haha.. Waktu balik tu, sesat.. Naseb baik jumpa jln, kalo x, sesat slamenye!!! Haha..
aq tau aq nih bossy.. suke buat keputusan sendiri.. tapi aq nak ubah kesilapan aq... aq tau ade yang x sker aq wat camnih.. tapi, aq dah tempuh pelbagai dugaan(x bnyk sangat) and plan ini adelah untuk mengembirekan orang.. listen.. x sume bende perfect.. kadangkale, kter kene accept kter x leh wat ape yang kter rancang.. kter rancang, allah tentukan... so, yeah... korang bleh marah aq.. tapi jgn lame2 ok? hari nih sume sedih and hati aq memang x tenteram... aq dah fker bnyk plan untuk buat sume pihak happy.. nak tau tanye raje... so.. yeah... ngan care camnih jer aq bleh rase jiwe tenteram sket... sket je... ~SADJANAH :( ~
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

last two hours i determined to do a short note for history but i can't do work without songs and i dun want to listen to english songs today so, i decided to listen to my hubbies songs(SHINee), but sit in front of comp made me want did something else and open another book(fb)... so... i just succeded to do only 1 point... kekeke.. SHINee, u dominated my heart! ~jay~

Guitar!! Guitar!! When can I buy you?? Owhh guitar!! Abang Azam kate, gitar kat Seremban sinu murah sangat-sangat!!! Dia kate kalo nak beli cakap ngan die, die bawakkan~~ So, sekarang ngah kumpul duit nak beli gitar!! Thanks for telling me Abang Azam!! Hihihi~~~
Please!!! Get out of my head you adorable man!! Get out!! I want to study!! Please!! Just for now!! Then you can come back on 12.10.2010 evening. Haha.
p/s: Need Some SLEEP!!!!
Monday, August 2, 2010
ok, seriously, aq dah taip banyak crite, tapi, aq rase x sesuai untul blog nih... hahaha... ape korang nak wat bler dah besar? slalu cikgu tanye pasal nih... kalo aq, aq nak blah dari umah!~ yeah.. aq tau ramai gak yang dah pasang hajat mcm aq, aq dah set niat nih since darjah 4 lagi! aq tgk kakak and abang aq bebas gler! aq dah pasang niat nak simpan duit and bler dah cukup, aq nak sky diving, bungee jumping, travelling, skiing, surfing, hiking, oh! DANCING! b-boy! and parkour! maybe fall in luv with some1 sweet... yeah.. imaginasi yang kuat... tapi, 1st thing first, nak kuar umah! and nak save duit.. tadi dah cakap ngan mak aq aq nak save duit, nak wat acc lagi 1, well... most of mothers probably say "oh, honey, thats good for ur future, i will take u to bank this weekend, K?" and guess what my mother said, "mengarut la ko nih, wat pe ko simpan duit, tuh kan wak2 ko dah besar nanti, jgn nak ngade2.. " see? i can't believe it! salah ke simpan duit? most of the times, i can't understand my parent, sebab x leh predict! and that's why i loike it! CHALLENGING! crazy kan? and quite annoying bcoz can't predict.... this is only a dream and i know life is not like a dream, bler dah besar, hidup x senang yang kter impikan skarang nih, tapi aq dah sedia untuk itu! BRING IT ON!
~crazy jay~
~crazy jay~
Sunday, August 1, 2010
my nightmare

ok... firstly, this is my first time blogging... uhm... yeah... whatever... nervous here~~... just straight to the point! ok.. since friday,... what date ek? i dun know... i just know friday.. malas nak tgk calendar.. X leh bukak FB! (jeng jeng jeng!) and i thought that ok.. maybe the comp had some probs.. so i restart for couples time.. still x leh bukak internet.. i waited for tomorrow and wanted to kacau some people and..... I CAN'T SEND MESSAGE!!!! AND! AT THAT VERY TIME, ON MY BED, I LOOKED AT THE SKY AND... alhamdulillah there was no dome.. i thought that i'm gonna be trapped in dome like in simpson the movie(critical imagination) so i waited untill the next friday, (EVERYNIGHT i dreamed about bukak facebook) i can send message, thought the network ok, bukak la internet... and... STILL cannot bukak...(EVERYNIGHT i dreamed about bukak facebook) i am very angry at that time!!! X GUNE PUNYE ABNG! 68 RINGGIT PUN X DE KE? ******!! ****!! AND got kicked by my parents to go to my sister's house with my two very 'nice' niece and nephew... so, here i am... blogging, and facebooking, and youtubing(?). yeah... my brother paid the bill but i'm still angry with him because it is my habit now to open mv lucifer and TONIGHT, I FOUND OUT THAT THE FILES GONE! GONE! GONE! HUHUHU... LUCIFER, she's gone, tell me goodbye, love, run devil run, love sign, one, stumble2, bingeul, manmanhani and sign... yeah.. i know.. can download balik.. tapi TAU X LAME?! SUME TUH HD TAU! INGAT SENANG? GERAM BETUL! LUCIFER!!!! ~jay~
OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!
OMG!! I'd met the most adorable cousin!! Well, he's kinda my cousin.. Still, he's so adorable!! Oh no!! I think I'm falling!! Haha~~
Saturday, July 31, 2010
The Background song~
About the song (actually plus the layout)....
something's wrong....
first things first, the song...
did I just hear the singer said **ck at the intro part?
coz he got the wrong tune for the guitar... ahahhaXD
second, layout..
it's hard to read...
if that happens, what's the use of the blog?
(EXTREMELY sorry to the main editor = Elyza)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
My Future
Yup.Its that time when we need to think like adults(God that SUCKS!).Thinking about our FUTURE....Future is a really big word and.....nobody knows what it is actually(except for psychics.).I don't really plan my future unfortunately and I believe all of us Freaksters leave plannings about our future to our parents and yes,teachers.Some of the Freaksters have an open door for them.Full of opportunities,grabbing everything they can and try to achieve everything.But of course some of us maybe have a few problems.Maybe their door isn't open yet,half opened,opened wide but no opportunities came to them and some.....just too lazy to pick up their butts and open the damn door(Yes.I'm that person.).But we know,sooner or later,the door will open and we'll be living our lives just like how we wanted.Cheerful,crazy,romantic(for some),lazy(mengaku cepat!Aku tau saper...),and down right unusual will most probably be our lifestyle.So,after all of you wasted a few minutes of your life reading this and I wasted 20 minutes of my possible future writing this,what do we all get?
p/s.if you really fell down,i will personally laugh at you.
p/s.if you really fell down,i will personally laugh at you.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Disagree of font colour YOU use...
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Hello There =)

Yeah2, korng suke tk background nih? Comment tau! Coz nk tau sape like and dislike, and kite ikot majority, mcm biase! And FYI, designernye ialah saya :P Hahahaha xD Ahhh ingt tau, in this blog, kite di benarkan utk melepaskan geram. and ckp la sesuka hati! Aslkn jgn lucah sudah. Korng nk ckp pasal lover ker, psl korng tk puas hati ker, luahan perasaan ker? Ckp la! Aslkn jgn sakitkn hati org. And ingt! Blog nih, untuk selama2nye untill kite dah tkde. And I love all of you =)
Finally! We've made it!! Haha..
After a few weeks of thinking the name for our group, finally we decided to name the group 'Freaks United'. Thanks to Hajar for this name.. Haha.. Well, That's all I think.. Hope That my friends will update this blog.. =D
After a few weeks of thinking the name for our group, finally we decided to name the group 'Freaks United'. Thanks to Hajar for this name.. Haha.. Well, That's all I think.. Hope That my friends will update this blog.. =D
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